Having a party? Birthday, Christening, Engagement, or any other celebration -
contact the club management. Food supplied or bring your own.
Free wi-fi available to our customers.
All Sky sports channels available.

Monday 4th August 2014 Lights out in Europe day (Candle was lit on War Memorial @ 22:00)
Mousehole Branch Royal British Legion
Mousehole Royal British Legion
Branch Diary Dates 2019
Jack Guard Photo competition
Mousehole Branch Royal British Legion are running a photographic competition as a
tribute to Jack Guard who was a member of the RBL for over 80 years, many of them in
Mousehole, holding the office of president for 3 of those years.
Jack was a keen, prolific, photographer, and film maker, for a great many years.
There will be 3 categories; Harbours, Seascapes, and Landscapes.
The competition will take place during May 2019 with judging on Saturday 22nd June in the
Clubroom at 8pm. Closing date for photos Friday 31st May 2019.
The pictures will be judged by Sue Guard, Simon Maycock, and Michael Ellis
£5.00 per application, under 18`s £3.00 maximum of 3 pictures per applicant.
3 photos in same category, or a mix of categories
The winning name will go on a shield which will be kept in the Branch, and the winner of the best
picture in each category will get a trophy and cash prize
Competition open to members and their children under 18 years
Pictures from drones will not be accepted, hand held devices only
Application forms available from the bar staff.
Proceeds to “The Poppy Appeal”

Mousehole Royal British Legion
Will be laying a wreath on the "War Memorial”
To commemorate the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings
On Sunday 9th June @ 11:30

We Will Remember Them

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